Updated July 16, 2020
This is the home page of my Cellier family website.
At the upper left is a sidebar menu, linking to various pages.
Please visit often for updates and evolving content.
This site, maintained by Alfred Cellier III, includes two sets of paper-trail family tree genealogy data.
Please jump to the overview 'Cellier Genealogy' link at the upper left on this page, or the two index links that follow.
1. Cellier of La Neuveville and Neuchâtel contains my personal (paternal) ancestral family tree: Cellier of La Neuveville and Neuchâtel.
2. Swiss Cellier Family Tree comprises data of all known persons of Swiss ancestry named Cellier, by birth or by marriage, using data collected at the Cellier Web Site at MyHeritage.com.
Living persons are not displayed here; however, family researcher inquiries are welcome.
The "paper trail" was hugely researched by Prof. Dr. François E. Cellier, our cousin at ETH Zürich. Importing those data to this site enables the records to be found with Google and other search engines, and offers easier tree visualization.
François found genealogical evidence that Chiffelle is very probably the root for our Swiss family; and those Tschiffele records lead back to Cipelli (or Ciphelli) of Italy, who came to the Swiss lakeside village of Sursee around 1300.
News of the Swiss Cellier history has become very sparse, as our tree has become quite nearly complete.
The Swiss Cellier, ancestors and present-day, have not been a populous lot. This graph shows the known (world) population of Swiss Cellier from 1500 through 2010:

This graph was drawn using GenealogyJ to numerically analyze the ged file.
As of June 2020, seven persons in the world have been characterized as at or within my Y-DNA haplogroup SNP of E-PF4666.
Four are in our Swiss family (Chiffelle/Junod/Cellier), and three are our Italian-ancestry distant cousins.
All are listed in our FTDNA (familytreedna.com) 'DYS19<=9 project'.
We are a unique set of people in having a rarely occurring allele at that genetic marker.
As of June 2020, FTDNA has further updated the Y-tree, with many added sub-branches, as a result of Big-Y tests.
Two Italians are at further sub-branches E-FT40236 and E-FT42255; while I and a Junod are a step yet further at terminal SNP of E-BY5033.
Here is a map depicting the migration and evolution of our DYS19<=9 genetic group.
This map was created by a very nice tool at scaledinnovation.com, for which we thank Mr. Rob Spencer.

In early 2020 I received a full-genome DNA test through Nebula Genomics.
I have not yet plunged into the analysis of that data; some tools do appear to be available on the web.
Nebula's standard reports are oriented toward health indicators, but they also provide this genetic origins map.
Obviously, the two displays consider quite different time spans.

The haplogroup 'terminal SNP = E-BY5033' is the name of my twig on our branch of the human genomic tree, determined from my paternal-line Y-DNA STR and SNP testing.
The haplotree continues to expand quite rapidly, with the advancement of Next-Generation DNA sequencing technology.
Following the branches from the tree trunk, according to familytreedna.com (June 2020) I (with the Cellier, Chiffelle, Junod clan) am at:
(each designator should be preceeded by "E-")
The 2019-2020 ISOGG Y-DNA tree places E-BY5026 (= E-PF4666) at 'E1b1b1a1b1a16b~', not yet showing the sub-branches.
The age of this subclade E-BY5026 (= E-PF4666) is estimated by YFull as formed 4100 years, with TMRCA (time to most recent common ancestor) 2800 years. YFull also does not yet show the sub-branches.
The Y-DNA (paternally-linked) genetic tests prove unequivocally that today's male Cellier, Chiffelle, and Junod, of (Nods, Lignières, La Neuveville) Swiss ancestry are indeed cousins. Plus, our Swiss family is a very unique group of humans! Our males carry the extremely rare DYS19 marker value of (8 and) 9, shared by only about thirty-two known persons in the entire DNA-tested databases (well over one million persons). The genetic matches within this Swiss cluster are quite close together, yet distinct from the general population. We are definitely not Huguenots or other Frenchmen, whom our ancestors predated in Switzerland.
We can confidently assume that *all* of the Swiss Chiffelle/Junod/Cellier family share this E-PF4666[/FT40236/FT42255/BY5033] terminal SNP, given the close match of YDNA-111 STRs among our related Swiss subgroup, along with paper trail data. Dare I suggest that therefore we expect that every male Swiss Cellier/Chiffelle/Junod shares this trait?
This E-PF4666 SNP (with some sub-branches) is quite probably shared by all of the low-DYS19 Italian subgroup, also. The common ancestry, with our Swiss subgroup, of the three Italians who have tested as E-PF4666 (+) appears to date back about 60 generations (perhaps 1500 to 1800 years).
Two British-descended individuals also exhibit the same low DYS19; however, their other markers mismatch the rest of us to a greater degree, indicating potential common ancestry at about 82 generations (perhaps 2500 years). We await further data.
You can see detailed YDNA results at our FTDNA DYS19<=9 project, and on the DYS19<=9 pages on this website.
The E-V13-B cluster formerly posted at www.haplozone.net/e3b/project/cluster/41 by the E-M35 project is no longer available online due to GPDR.
Articles by François about our YDNA, written several years ago are here : Swiss Cellier DNA and DNA_2 (pdf files).
About 15 to 20 other persons (as of 2018), spread from the mid-east to Scandinavia, who are characterized at S7461 (not PF4666, BY5026, S7461*), are in several distinct tree-twigs of their own, and they show quite distinct Y-DNA STR mismatches from us.
In 2023, familytreedna.com added some new interpretive tools, including a very nice map-video showing the genetic migrations.
https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/E-BY5033/globetrekker The familytreedna map starts at 200,000 BCE in Cameroon, 150,000 BCE "Y-Adam" in central west Africa, evolving eastward until 60,000 BCE, then north to Egypt until E-M35 at 24,000 BCE, then westward to Morocco, E-M78 at 12,000 BCE, reversing and crossing the Mediterranean to Sicily about 11,000 BCE,
Here is a still-picture summary –
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