Known Persons with DYS19<=9

We have compiled the available Y-DNA STR data for all (36 as of June 2022) known persons tested who exhibit the low DYS19 STR marker value of 9, or less. The various individuals have tested at differing labs, with different sets of markers. Therefore, one must be cautious in making comparisons. Given that caveat, see the genetic distance cross-matrix and Y-DNA data of 24 of these persons. We used McGee's tool to calculate Time (Generations) to Most Recent Common Ancestor, in generations, at 50% and at 95%.

Genetic distance cross-matrices and Y-DNA STR data for 14 (dated June 2014; as of June 2022 there are 20 members of the DYS19<=9 Project at FTDNA) appear on these pages:
matrix - 14 members with >= 37 marker tests
matrix - 8 members with >= 67 marker tests
matrix - 6 members with 111 marker tests

As of 06/2022, there are respectively 20, 15, and 12 members in those three categories. STR data and cross-distances for all are presented in this diagram. Those were computed using "Still Another Phylogeny Program" from Dave Vance at

The Swiss subgroup of eight (of the nine now listed at known-related persons among these members presents interesting data showing rather few mutations, considering the 20 generations and 650 years since the common ancestor. More markers tested for other members would help to make the story clearer!

The actual TMRCAs within this Swiss subgroup, using the known genealogical paper-trails, are displayed in this table. A comparison of this actual paper-trail data with calculated predictions is presented here.

We do not have enough data to extend those charting techniques to the other subgroups. At least, we can offer a simplified table of mutations, relative to the modal, for four of the Italian group.

An interesting form of relationship tree, newly updated for all 20 members of the DYS19<=9 Project at FTDNA, is presented here in this "Distance-based Circular Dendrogram", based on Y-STR data. With the advent of new DNA technology, we now have SNP data in addition to STR data. Note that two members were separated from the bulk of the group about 78 generations back in time, and have terminal SNPs that distinctly differ.


Note that the algorithmically computed tree branching is NOT the same as that derived from the paper-trail which is shown in the "mutations" discussion above.
Thanks to Rob Spencer for the handy Dendrogram tool. Click on "Tools" here, and he has lots more good stuff on his site.

Published data for DYS19<=9 has been gathered here from multiple sites for ease of analysis. A degree of anonymization has been applied. Ancestral surnames (or variants) include: Beasley, Castrignano, Cellier, Chiffelle, Cipelli, Ciullo, D'Elia, Felizola, Galliano, Junod, Koenig, Ragucci, Ramondino, Raymond, Rossetti, Schiffley, Tschiffeli, Villano, Visconti, Willoughby.

If any person represented here objects to this posting, or wishes further information, please contact the author with specifics, at the email address given at the foot of this page.

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